Left-wing protesters clash with police at Alternative für Deutschland's party conference Getty
Hundreds of left-wing protesters have clashed with people attending a far-right party conference in the German city of Stuttgart.
Around 1,000 officers were deployed at the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party conference, as 400 arrests were made.
Demonstrators burned tires on a motorway and threw fireworks and flares at officers, according to a police spokesman. A police helicopter was sent to the scene, while water cannon and pepper spray were used on the crowds.
4 COMMENTS 15 HOURS AGO Ryan McMaken Complaining that they can't keep up with all the changes to the law, police departments in Colorado are demanding that the legislature impose a moratorium on any new cannabis-related legislation. The Colorado Springs Gazette reports : In May, heads of Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police [a taxpayer-funded special-interest group that lobbies for police organizations], the County Sheriffs of Colorado and Colorado District Attorneys' Council wrote a letter to the "Members of Legislative Leadership" seeking a two-year moratorium on new marijuana regulations in order to bring all officers into compliance with enforcement expectations. Officers "cannot keep up with the quantity and speed of constantly changing marijuana laws," their letter said, noting 81 bills have been introduced [ NB: only a small fraction of these have been passed into law] in the last four years. Specifically, the poli...
“It could happen in a matter of months,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. ________________ “The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,” wrote Dr Tony Phillips just six weeks ago, on 27 Sep 2018. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Phillips, editor of spaceweather.com. Data from NASA’s TIMED satellite show that the thermosphere (the uppermost layer of air around our planet) is cooling and shrinking, literally decreasing the radius of the atmosphere. To help track the latest developments, Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center and his colleagues recently introduced the “Thermosphere Climate Index.” The Thermosphere Climate Index (TCI) tells how much heat nitric oxide (NO) molecules are dumping into space. During Solar Maximum, TCI is high (meaning “Hot”); during Solar Minimum, it is low (meaning “Cold”). “Right now, it is very low indeed … 10 times sma...
Most of the news surrounding the electricity shutoffs in California - done to avert the ignition of additional wildfires by aging electrical infrastructure - has focused on two things: climate change and the greedy, incompetent management of Pacific Gas & Electric. Missing in this discussion is the broad neglect of the complex infrastructure of the United States and possibly other wealthy nations. The American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) most recent "Infrastructure Report Card" gave the United States an overall grade of D+. (Those readers unfamiliar with the American system for grading schoolwork should note that "E" is a failing grade.) Read more
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