Mark Zuckerberg: Neighbors are concerned...

Mark Zuckerberg Is Building a Wall Around His Hawaiian Estate. His Neighbors Hate It

Will Drabold
June 28, 2016
Mark Zuckerberg Is Building a Wall Around His Hawaiian Estate. His Neighbors Hate It
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"The feeling of it is really oppressive."

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly building a six-foot-high wall around his $100 million property on Kauai, the smallest of Hawaii’s four largest islands.
West Hawaii Today reports that Zuckerberg’s neighbors are concerned the wall will halt the breeze that comes off the Pacific Ocean. “The feeling of it is really oppressive. It’s immense,” Kauai resident Gy Hall. The neighbors have been unable to contact Zuckerberg, West Hawaii Today reported.
Miles Radcliffe-Trenner, a spokesman for Zuckerberg’s Kauai property operations, released a statement on the issue: “Rock walls like this one being built along the roadway are routinely used as sound barriers to reduce highway and road noise, and that is its primary purpose,” the statement said. “The sound barrier follows all regulated rules and regulations by the county and our entire team remains committed to ensuring that any development respects the local landscape and environment and is considerate of neighbors.”
Kauai’s waves are a favorite for surfers, including Zuckerberg, and its cliff and valley jungle environment is renowned for its beauty.
Zuckerberg’s wall has not gone unnoticed on Facebook — The topic was trendingon the social network Tuesday afternoon.


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