"Texit" Movement...

Calls For Texas Independence Surge In Wake Of Brexit Vote

As Britain votes to leave the EU, thousands push for Texas to seize the day
Jun 24, 2016 at 6:43 AM ET


Flag of Texas
Flag of Texas; photo by JustinTL on Flickr(noncommercial use permitted with attribution / no derivative works).
After residents of the UK voted today to leave the European Union, the movement for an independent Texas may be gaining serious momentum, with thousands online calling for a “Texit.”
The largest group agitating for secession is the Texas Nationalist Movement, which has been promoting its own version of Brexit, called Texit, over the past several weeks. The group has taken inspiration from the pro-exit campaign in Britain, noting that the two movements share many of the same principles. Daniel Miller, president of the TNM, told Australian website news.com.au, “The vast majority of the laws, rules and regulations that affect the people of Texas are created by the political class or unelected bureaucrats in Washington” — a sentiment which echoes the arguments made by the British Leave campaign.


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