Medical Debt Is Crushing Many Americans. Is The Health Care System On The Verge Of Collapse?

Health care expenses are a massive burden for many Americans, and for some, they can be financially devastating.
A new report from Kaiser Health News revealed some shocking examples of just how bad things can get for some people.
‘UVA Has Ruined Us’: Health System Sues Thousands Of Patients, Seizing Paychecks And Claiming Homes covers the cases of individuals who are dealing with serious financial hardship due to the University of Virginia Health System’s aggressive collection practices.
The article begins with the story of Heather Waldron, who required emergency surgery in 2017. She believed she had insurance at the time – it wasn’t until after her hospitalization that she learned a computer error involving the website caused a lapse in her coverage.
The UVA health system slapped Waldron with a lawsuit and a lien on her home to recoup the $164,000 in charges, leading to serious financial hardship for her family:


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