Sweden Defeated The Coronavirus Without A Lockdown - Now Its Companies Are Reaping The Benefits

Progressive critics of the Trump Administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic like to point to Sweden and portray the Nordic country's decision to forego lockdowns as a travesty motivated by greed. Such reductive, black-and-white interpretations are inevitably the result of a childlike analysis where every hero needs to have a hero and a villain. But although Sweden's COVID-19 czar has admitted that he would have changed certain elements of the country's response if he could go back in time, the country's decision to skip lockdowns, and keep the country relatively open, has paid off - even if Sweden does have a significantly higher mortality rate than its neighbors (though still lower than all of the worst-hit western European countries).
Sweden's death-to-infection ratio is relatively high, a reflection of a series of early outbreaks in managed-care homes that led to widespread fatalities among their elderly and vulnerable residents.


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